A number of models are experiencing problems displaying the Live View! on mydlink.com portal after the last Java update (Java 8 update 31). The problem is a resolts of the discontinue support of SSL v3.0.
At this time, we are currently workign on a more permanent solution for this problem, for now, a workaround is available to temporarly allow the use of SSLv3.0 on the new version of Java.
Follow the steps to enable SSL 3.0 manually:
Windows PC Users :
Step 1: Open Windows Explorer and go to the following java library security file.
“C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_31\lib\security\java.security” or
“C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_31\lib\security\java.security”.
Step 2: Open “Notepad” in Administrator mode by right-clicking the mouse. Select “Run as administrator” in the context menu.
Step 3: Open the java.security file by right clicking the file, and "open with" Notepad. The file should now be editable in clear text. Scroll down or Page Down to the last line and comment it out (make it invalid) by adding a # sign at the front of the line.
jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3 <this is the last line of the java file>
# jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3 <add the # sign to the front of it to make the line inactive>
Step 4: Save the java file by clicking on the File manu and select "Save".
Step 5: Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the current "user" folder.
Go to C:\Users and select the user’s name. Replace <current user> with the name of the customer’s login.
The next portion may be hidden and needs to be manually added \Appdata\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment. So the full path should be:
C:\Users\<current user name>\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\deployment.properties
Step 6: Open the deployment.properties file by right clicking the file and open with Notepad. The file should now be editable in clear text.
On the bottom line of the deployment.properties file add the following line:
deployment.security.SSLv3=true << add this line to the bottom of the file>
Step 7: Save the deployment.properties file.
Step 8: Save your work, close all browsers, restart browser, go to mydlink.com Login, select your camera, test your live footage
You should be able to log in mydlink portal to see your camera(s). A more permanent solution is coming soon in a form of a firmware update. If for any reason you still continue to have problems, contact our Technical Support Group for assistance.
Mac OS users:
Step 1: Run Terminal. Open Spotlight Search, type Terminal to run application Terminal.
Step 2: Go to the Java security folder:
Type “cd /Library/Internet\Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/lib/security/
Step 3: Type “sudo vi java.security” , then enter your computer password to run the command.
Step 4: Scroll down or Page Down to the last line, type “i” to see INSERT
Step 5: Add “#” in front of the line “jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3” as “# jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3”
Step 6: Press “esc” on your keyboard to clear the line Insert.
Step 7: Type “:”, then type “wq!” to save the command.
Step 8: Type “cd /Users/xxxxx/Library/Application\ Support/Oracle/Java/Deployment”. (Note: xxxxx is your user name on the Mac). If you are not sure, type “cd”, then type ”pwd” to retrieve your user name. Use this name to replace “xxxxx” on the command.
Step 9: Type “sudo vi deployment.properties”, then enter your computer password to run the command.
Step 10: Page down to the last line. Type “o” to see Insert on the bottom.
Step 11: Add the command line “deployment.security.SSLv3=true” and press “enter” on your keyboard.
Step 12: Press “esc” on your keyboard to clear the line Insert.
Step 13: Type “:”; then type “wq!” to save the command.
Step 14: Save your work, close all browsers, restart Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.
Step 15: Go to mydlink.com Login, test your live footage.
You should be able to log in mydlink portal to see your camera(s). A more permanent solution is coming soon in a form of a firmware update. If for any reason you still continue to have problems, contact our Technical Support Group for assistance.