Why does my Meta Quest 2 show Connected-
No Internet after connecting to the DWA-F18 Wi-Fi?
A. This is likely due to one of two
1. Your Host PC is not online
2. Internet Connection Sharing is not
Step 1: Check that the host computer is online and can access the internet
If online, please follow these steps to
enable Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
Step 2: On
your Windows 10/11 PC, Press and hold the Windows Key + R. The Run box should
Steps 3: Type ncpa.cpl and press enter

Step 4: In
the network connections window, You should see a Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct
Virtual Adapter listed- Take note of its name (in this example Location
Area Connection*12)

Step 5: Right click on the network adapter that is providing internet to your
computer and click Properties (In this example, it is the Wired
Ethernet adapter)
Step 6: Click on the sharing tab and put a check next to "Allow other network
users to connect....." and in the drop down box, select the virtual
adapter (found in step 4) and click OK, then Press YES to the Pop up message.

Step 7: The adapter should now show as Shared
Step 8: Disconnect and reconnect your Meta 2 headset to the DWA-F18 Air Bridge Wi-Fi signal- Internet should now be accessible.