Step 1: Open a web browser (such as Internet Explorer) and enter http://dlinkrouter.local. or into the address bar.
Step 2: Enter your password and click Log In.
Step 3: Move the cursor to the Settings tab and then click Network from the drop-down menu.
Step 4: Under Network Settings, type in the router´s new Device IP Address and Subnet Mask (if required). The IP address configured here is also the IP address you use to access the web-based management interface. If you have multiple D-Link routers, you can also change the name of the device, which is also the address which can be typed into the web browser address bar to access the configuration interface (default is http://dlinkrouter.local).
Note: If you change the management link, you should use the new device name in place of “dlinkrouter” when you type the device adderss in to your web browser’s address bar.
Step 5: New IP address verfication:
Note: Before trying to reconnect to the router'' s new IP address, ensure your computer has obtain an IP address on the same range of IP your router''s LAN address was configured.
Type the new IP address into the web browser address bar to access your router''s configuration interface and press Enter. If you are able to login, you have successfully changed the IP address of your router.